Ohio Labor Market Information

The map above shows the Unemployed-Persons-per-Job-Opening Ratio. This ratio is derived by taking the estimated number of unemployed people and dividing it by the number of job openings each month. These two components come from two different surveys. The number of unemployed people comes from the Current Population Survey. The number of job openings comes from JOLTS.

This ratio can help in understanding the relationship between labor supply (unemployed people) and labor demand (job openings). Ratios less than 1.0 signal tighter labor markets, in which organizations have more job openings than people looking for work. In contrast, ratios greater than 1.0 indicate slack in the labor supply, as more unemployed people compete for each job opening.   

Hover your cursor over any of the states for more JOLTS measures. If a state’s ratio is not showing, use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in on the state, and the ratio will appear.

For a glossary of terms used in this map, view the JOLTS Glossary of Terms. For more general information regarding the JOLTS, please visit Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Home Page (bls.gov).