Current Employment Statistics (CES)
Current Employment Statistics (CES) are prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics). This information includes current and historical data on employment by industry, hours, and earnings for Ohio and 12 metropolitan areas .
Note: With the release of January 2023 data on March 10, 2023, the CES program will update the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017 to NAICS 2022. The conversion to NAICS 2022 will result in revisions reflecting series title changes in educational and health services and content and coding changes in retail trade and information. See NAICS 2022 Conversion for further detail.
Monthly Publications
- The Ohio Labor Market Review, in pdf, includes current and historical data on employment by industry, hours, and earnings; civilian labor force estimates of employment and unemployment; selected unemployment compensation data; and technical notes. Seasonally adjusted employment estimates by industry are available for Ohio. Seasonally adjusted labor force estimates are available for Ohio and the United States.
- Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment Estimates for Ohio, in pdf, includes seasonally adjusted employment, by industry, for the most recent month, the previous month and the previous year.
Data Download
- Using our new Data Search Tool, customers can view and download current and historical data for Ohio and twelve metropolitan areas.
Annual Averages
- Average Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment, in Excel, based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) available from 1990.
- Average Hours and Earnings, in Excel, for Ohio and available metropolitan statistical areas from 2009.
Data Source
Current Employment Statistics (CES) is a federal-state program that collects detailed data on employment, hours and earnings in goods-producing and service-providing industries through a monthly survey of more than 24,780 Ohio employers. Estimates of nonagricultural employment, hours and earnings for Ohio and twelve metropolitan statistical areas are produced monthly. Civilian labor force estimates are developed by the federal-state Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program. Unemployment compensation data are compiled from administrative reports. Additional information may be found in the technical notes included in the monthly Ohio Labor Market Review .
Note: Effective with the publication of January 2015 preliminary estimates on March 6, 2015, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program implemented new delineations for metropolitan areas. All series have been reconstructed back to 1990. Data prior to 1990 may not be comparable.
Level of Detail
Employment, hours and earnings data are published for all sizeable manufacturing and non-manufacturing categories for which adequate samples are surveyed and for which disclosure rules permit publication.
Monthly; available by end of the month following the reference month.
Time Period
Within the monthly Labor Market Review, eleven years of annual historical and thirteen months of current data are published for employment and the civilian labor force series. Current, previous month, and year-ago month data are available.
Geographic Areas
The Labor Market Review is produced for Ohio and 12 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Two West Virginia MSAs include Ohio counties: Huntington-Ashland MSA and Wheeling MSA.
Developed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Metropolitan Statistical Areas are integrated geographic regions comprised of at least one city and adjacent communities. Metropolitan Statistical Areas make it possible for Federal statistical agencies to utilize the same boundaries when publishing statistical data.
Data may be used:
- To track growth and contraction in industry, for economic planning, development of econometric models, trend analysis and forecasting.
- To compare employment trends and earnings among states and metropolitan areas.
Industry survey participation is voluntary; data for some industries may not be available due to insufficient sample size. Adequate and reliable hours and earnings estimates are not available for most non-manufacturing industries.